Seminar Fee Schedule

Seminar Fee Schedule

   Ronald V. McGuckin and Associates are available to work with your organization to develop a training schedule which will fit your programs needs. Generally, our seminars are designed for a two or three hour training session. A full day seminar would consist of six training hours. Our fees are designed to include preparation time and time spent on-site. In addition, we require reimbursement of travel and lodging expenses. We ask all contracting agencies to copy handout materials for their seminar attendees. Ronald V. McGuckin and Associates will provide the contracting agency with a master copy of all handout materials relevant to the contracted topics at least one week prior to the scheduled seminar. We will copy the handout materials for a reasonable copying fee, if the contracting agency is unable or unwilling to copy the materials. This fee is determined by the number of attendees and the topic chosen.

Seminar Length

Two Hours

Three Hours

Four Hours

Six Hours(Full Day)

Mr. McGuckin’s Fee





Mrs. Martini’s Fee





Mrs. Nieliwocki’s Fee





*Please add a 50% surcharge for Saturday or Sunday presentations.

Fees are payable by check, VISA or MASTERCARD, on or before the date of service.
