Disciplining an employee can be one of the more difficult parts of an administrator or supervisors job. Often time administrators are swayed by many variables which results in inconsistent enforcement of agency policy and can lead an agency into court. This seminar will address the importance of developing and uniformly applying an effective Discipline Policy. Participants will review cases in which employees were successful in their legal action against their employer because of the employer’s inconsistent or random enforcement of employment policies and varying disciplinary actions for similar offenses. Discussion will also center on the proper use of the Discipline Policy to support the decision to terminate an employee, thereby leaving the employee with little or no room to initiate legal action. Participants will engage in discussion of ways to draft employment policies to create new and effective ways to manage employee behavior in the workplace and create alternative disciplinary actions.
Length: 2 hours 2 minutes
COST: $100.00 per person Discounted to $75.00 per person for Retainer/Consulting Clients.